Thursday, May 13, 2004

How Shall I Repay Your Generosity, O My Love?

How shall I repay your generosity, O my Love? How shall I repay you for all
you have given me? If I had died a thousand times for your sake, it would be as
nothing. You are my Lord, and I am just clay and ashes, a worthless sinner,
who deserves to die thousands upon thousands of deaths. How shall I thank you,
who suffered dishonor, insult, mockery, scourging, and death for my sake? How
shall I, who has nothing, reward you who gave everything . . .the only thing I
can return to you is my prayer, that time I devote each day speaking and
listening to you. Receive my prayer, as a tiny token of my enormous gratitude.

Tychon of Zadonsk (1724-1783)


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